Wednesday, March 19, 2008

This May Explain the Robins in February

Walking the dog last month, I looked up as I took my usual route through my Kent neighborhood, and looked up at a tree, still bare of leaves. But in it were about a dozen robins, looking back.

I was startled not only by the size of the flock, but that they were there at all. And then the trees. Even my daughter noticed. One day, the trees were in bud or seemingly bare, and the next, full extravagant bloom. In early March.

This great story explains what I'm seeing, I think. While we might think of global warming only affecting the polar bears (file that under it sucks to be you), it in fact affects everything. Including birds that hatch too early, only to starve because the insects aren't out; same goes for the butterflies in Virginia, or other carnivores up the food chain. And as this blog post notes, global warming-or cooling, whatever the cause, will affect us.
It was followed up a day later by this story in the PI.
Photo by Jennifer Conner

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