Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pollinators, what are you going to do about them?

Especially when they've decided to take up housekeeping inside your home, or more precisely, in two boards on the siding beside our garage door.

They are mason bees, but frankly, given the crashing of the bee population, I"ll take any pollinator I can get. We are wondering that if we put a mason bee home nearby, and add some smoke, if they'll go to their new home and won't attack us in the process.

I don't want to kill them. When we've tried to recalk over the winter, they just chewed new openings and moved into the same panels .Smart bees. The bubbles meanwhile, have returned to my rosemary out front, as well as the comfrey, damn plant - it even bullies the blackberries to a draw - and the roses (a tea hybrid that hasn't had all the smell bred out of it.)

And real life honeybees, tho I'm not sure where they are coming from. I even hesitate to swat a wasp at this point.But what to do about the mason bees?

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