Sunday, December 30, 2007

A bird count on the fly

Didn't formally join the Rainier Audubon Society's bird round up today, but I did take a count in my back yard (seems when I broke out the binocs, all birds decided to go somewhere else, including the flock of robins and flickers that were out there all day yesterday.)

I did catch a few before we went shopping. Five black-capped chickadees, two purple finches, seven pine siskins (I think) and 5 juncos. The was the usually mob of rock pigeons by the Texaco station at the bottom of Gowe Street and one lone seagull in Mill Creek Park. I also saw three red tailed hawks (2 immature) in the wild area along Highway 167.

I wish, however, that the count had been yesterday. Then, ta da, I saw a townsend's warbler. Very cool. These guys are supposed to be in Mexico, I read later. This one must have missed the memo.

Pictures courtesy of Seattle Audubon.

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