Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fire gone, but skepticism still smolders

Finally stopped at the construction site across from the Smith Brothers Farm, and talked to three guys sitting around the lunch table. Nope, houses are not going up on that land, but the state is using it as a staging area for work on 167. In about a month or so, they'll be gone.

As for the debris fire, these guys were simply shaking their heads. Apparently, the pile sits on the site of a recycling business (for construction and plant debris). The fire apparently just started, according to company officials (drove by, didn't see a sign, so no idea about the name of the company.) The guys around the table were skeptical about that. But at least the fire is out now.

On the way to Highway 18, I kept seeing attempts at natural plantings, "old" snags for hawks nests, et al. It seems this is a renovation by the City of Auburn of Mill Creek? I tried to take a picture of the work with my camera phone, but rain sort of got in the way. Looks like an impressionist shot of the Green River Valley, before the warehouses.

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