Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's not a yard ornament. It's a falcon? A merlin?

At least I think that's what I saw as I walked the dog with a friend this afternoon toward the cemetery on top of Kent's Scenic Hill.

I looked over, admiring some of the Christmas displays, and noticed one of the fixtures a. didn't have lights and b. was moving. Usually you don't see raptors on the ground unless they are eating something.
This one was looking at me, and then flew up to a nearby tree to see me from a safer distance. I rushed home to look a the bird books. The wings ended a sharp point, and it had a buff colored chest, with grey wings and grey markings. So I'm thinking sharp shinned hawk (on the above right) or the merlin (left).

Either, frankly would be cool. I'm about ready to start wearing binocs on these walks, the cool kind you can take digital pictures with through the eye pieces.

Photographs courtesy of the Seattle Audubon Society.

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