Thursday, September 4, 2008

A wet trip to Northwest Trek

On Sunday, my hubby declared we hadn't taken a summer trip yet so we had to go somewhere.

So off we headed to Northwest Trek with a reluctant teenager in tow. Unfortunately, once we got there, is just started to dump. And us with no rain gear. Gary, looking at said unhappy teenager, offered to leave, but that is where I put my foot down. Are we Nor'westerners or not? Besides, the animals don't mind the rain, but do mind the heat, so we'll probably see more of them out and about. And that proved to be true, as these pictures show.

Obviously, it was nap time for many, and if not, most were trying to get a good snack. And if some of the images are blurry, Jennifer and I were trying our best to keep them in focus on a moving tram (which would NOT stop by the bison).

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